Elemental Ponies

Open specie by TheLazyPony

This fan specie is and will always be an open one ! Meaning that you are free to make one, or more, for yourself or others.If you ever need to contact me, pls do so by dm me on instagram :

What is an Elemental pony ?

Elemental ponies are a very powerful specie that lives on Equinoxia, a world where everything is powered by magical energy. Elemental ponies are the ones that fully developed their connection to that energy.They are divided by a certain number of “elements”, each ones are recognizable thanks to their physical traits, and a mark on their shoulders, each one representing one of the elements.

List of all the elements (known so far)

Others are coming, and others will come after that too, so if you have any suggestions, you can contact me on Instagram for that too ^^Listed in order of making.

  • Plant

  • Water

  • Fire

  • Electric

  • Air

  • Ghost

And their infos


Informations :

Plant ponies usually live on the flying islands near the capital city, or in the villages around the capital city.
The ones living on the flying islands are usually medicinal plant ponies, and most of them produce medicinal plants for the cities.
The ones living in the villages are the one producing foods in fields and farms.
The main trait of these ponies is obviously the numberous plant growing on them. Most of the times, it's their favorite plants that grow the most on them.Plant Ponies are the second tallest elemental ponies.
They are also blind or partially blind, they can feel the energy of the planet better than any other elemental ponies thanks to their hooves.
Powers : They can grow and manipulate any type of plants.
They have super strength and are the strongest Elemental ponies.


Informations :

Water ponies essentially live on islands and in the seas and oceans. They, however do not live in lakes.Water ponies are the tallest Elemental ponies.The main trait of these ponies, is the fact that, for some, most of their limbs are made of water. In the water, these limbs can't be seen and thus, their bodies can look very different.They also never grow hair on them, no matter what.Powers : Water ponies can control and create salty water, they cannot create fresh water however. They also are great swimmer and is the specie that can swim the fastest and longest on Equinoxia.


Informations :

Fire ponies are known for their high confidence and charisma. They are very proud of themselves and live mainly in the capital city. If you see a fire pony in anything else than a big, technologically advanced, ciries, they probably have a problem.Although their fire is magical and do not actually burn if not meant to, many forest fires started because of heated arguments. They are now not aloud in forests during the 2 months of summer. They do not complain that much though.Powers : Fire ponies can create magical fires of the color of their mane, and make them actually burn, or not. Their charisma was also labelled as a power due to certain past circonstences.


Informations :

Electric Ponies mainly live in cities that are near racing circuits. The best of them live in the capital where the biggest and more important races take place.Known for their incredible speed and for the electric energy they produce, they make the bestest racers. During these races, they usually wear racing equipments made by Steel Ponies. Races are the most important entertaining events in Eponya and is taken very seriously.Unlike Fire Ponies, the fame didn't make the Electric Ponies more extrovert. They are usually pretty quiet and racing is the most important thing in their lives.Powers : Added to their superspeed, the energy they make and that energize their bodies can actually be extracted. The Electric Ponies that don't race for a living usually sell energy power to the cities.


Informations :

Air Ponies mainly live in the sky. No one really knows how exactly look their habitats.Known for being very shy and mysterious. Everypony know about them, very fue have actually seen an Air Pony. It is said that their shyness comes from the abuse thay had to endure before they started living in the sky. Apparently, their appearence was source of many mistreatment.Air Ponies are also known to be one, or the, smallest Elemental Ponies.Powers : They can control the air around them and the clouds, making them also able to control the weather. Their job is mainly stopping the planet from overheating or overfreezing, and making sure Plant Ponies can grow food.


Informations :

Ghost Ponies are the most mysterious Elemental Ponies. No other Elemental Pony really know that they exist, they only know them through bedtime stories, where they are usually pictured as bloodthirsty creatures without a real mind of their own.

To be continued...